Friday, September 15, 2006

Tonight was the worst of all the shifts i ever had in my 2 years of work at York Hotel.
The shift started out just fine. Did a little quiet time before going to out to work. Praying of a great evening and then out to the resturant to start.

Employer then said that i'm to go to one of the banquet rooms to work. Here's a little introduction to what i have to do at work. I am to just clear the empty plates and bowls from the customers' table and serve them water and take their orders as well. So everything started fine and was great dispte that it was by myself. Then i got worse as more customers came in to dine.

In the room, there were two tables one of which sat a group of elderly people who were catholics. The table on their right (my left), sat a group of people with a particularly odd uncle. both were dining enjoyably until the group with the uncle were about to leave when the uncle started to speak to the group of catholics. They chatted quite well then suddenly started to talk about religious things.

the odd uncle then spoke ill of the methodists for smashing his little collections of things like a buddha statue and a little kite or somethingy from Japan or Korea. I was around them when i heard it and wanted to tell the uncle that dispite the action was not very nice but he should understand that in one of God's 10 commandments which is one of the most important cos CHIRSITANS HAVE ONE GOD AND NO OTHER!!! So that means NO IDOLATRY!! That uncle spoke ill of the methodists!! Though i maybe from a different denomination, i can't stand that and i couldn't stand up for them 'cos i was working and won't want to lose it too. Then that uncle spoke ill of MY DENOMINATION!! He said that stuff that my denomination believe in is bullshit!! BULLSHIT!! I felt very discriminated!! having heard that right in front of my face.. i nearly cired in front of my colleagues in the kitchen and still feel sad about it too.
Luckily, that uncle left and before i had a chance to talk right back at him.


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