Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Weeks come and weeks go

Last week was a wreck. To begin with, it was my b'day week and i hate the present the Dievl gave me which ended me up in tears on wednesday. But, one thing God gave me was friends. He made me realised that there's some friends in my class woh care about my well-being. Yea, God is good.

The b'day celebation organised by my dear sweet and of caring friends was a smash. Though we all did it in a rush, it was good. Shurn got a blue T-shirt and Yanqi got something nice of which i forgot. The best part was when JasonSky presented me a guitar. I was so surprised that i became speechless. Indeed, they care about me!!!

Last week's Heart 2 Heart with Pastors was good although i was not able to attend all of it but i did attend the first one. Pastor How talked about being a Son/Daughter of faith. He taught us to be like Timothy. To be like-minded and care sincerely for others and many others of which i'm not clear of. What strikes me the most in that session was about Demas. In the bible, Demas backslided and was not mentioned in the bible anymore. Pastor How also preached that when you backslide, you break alot of peoples' hearts most of all the friends in your connect group. This mesages makes me want to keep running for God and not backslide. As it will break alot of my friends' hearts especially to the person closets to me. SO I"LL NEVER BACKSLIDE. YOU SHOULD ALSO NEVER BACKSLIDE!!!

little note to anon.-san who made some unique remarks: " i appriciate your criticism. The more you dislike, the more i love you.. just has Jesus loved the world so. -Amen!"


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