Friday, May 26, 2006

26th May 2006(b)

It just hurts me so.. to see my mother and my friend Jing Yan not wanting to accept God. They say that they believe God but i fele that the way they are now. Their spritiual state is like they want to connect with God but they do not want to make an effort to get connect like they are expecting God to do that for them. It's just hurts me so.

It just hurts me so.. to see my my mother suffer they way she is. Always feeling so depressed each time a casual comment is given. Remembering once, a colleague of hers commented that her communication was lousy, and becuase of that, for a whole week when everyone can't get what she said, she would think of the comment and ay that her ocmment is lousy. I really want to help her but it's like she's refusing mine and God's help. When she heard that i wanted to be a chirstian and get to know od more, she had objection in her eyes but she does want to stop me but evertime i said i have to go for a Church activity she would say that the way i'm doing is worng and if i keep doing it she might want to talk to my pastor about it. Maybe it's because that colleague that insulted her was a christian so she's trying everyway to ask me not to be a christian. I do not want to see her get taken by the Devil when she goes on after her life. I REALLY WANT TO HELP HER!!!

It hurts me so.. to see my good friend Jing Yan, not wanting to excpet God and not believing int the words of the Bible. Isn't the Bible about the word of God? What more she says she believe in God but she is just not ready to take on the path of which i have taken just 1 and a half months ago.. I really do not want to see her in her life later on, too consumed by her worldly duties that she would one fine day forget about God and His will for her that she draws herself to a state of no return. I REALLY WANT TO HELP HER TOO!!!

My dear dear Lord, if you are reading this, please let these prayers be answer for i do not waant to see them get taken away by the Devil and receive worse death anyone would ever recive..eternal death. Dear Lord, my Dear Heavenly Father, do watch over them, fro my sake and ne day i pray i really do pray that they wouls come back to your arms just as i have. -AMEN!


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