Sunday, October 30, 2005

31st october 2005

Today's the mid of consulation week where all graudating students get 2 weeks of self revision before the O-levels kick in. I'm currently studying at the same time testing out this new game called " ROSE Online".

The game's free and it's fun to though a little bit like Ragnarok Online but it is a bit more different from Ragnarok Online itself. Despite it's graphics is a little poorer and RO itself,at least it is in 3D unlike the very popular Maple Story. The game comprises of the every other avergae RPG games..kill monsters to obtain prizes and experience points.. Etc etc.. it also has interesting quests. and many places to explore. It now currently has 2 planets Junon and Luna. but hey it's just beta cant expect much right? So, overall i like the game far better than ragnarok Online diespite that some of it are not as good as Ragnarok.

Then yesterday, we had a guest staying at our place for the night. It was a dragonfly.It went to my sister's room. Being a little sister that she was, she was afraid of it and called for my help. When i entered the room i saw it hanging vertically inverse, head on facing the ceiling. so i tried getting a stick to shoo it away from my sister's room as she wanted to turn on the air-conditioner for the night and would not want the dragonfly to freeze. After some shooing exercises. The brave little dragon fly still clings to my sister's room ceiling. It did flew ocassionally but it never flew to the windows in which i kindly pointed out to it. So when all else failed,we called our gallant father for help. He, being wise and all knowledgable, told us to get a piece of hard card and the fish net. My father, would lure the dragonfly with the net until the net and the dragonfly was near the card. He then sill the dragonfly and brought it out to the study room window and let it out. The dazed dragonfly just flew away. ^^

Thursday, October 13, 2005

13th October 2005

This is such a catastrophy!! My computer's desktop has suddenly gone blank!! even the start up bar is MISSING!!! All because of my sister. I do not know what she did to make the computer go like that. Dispite that it is like semi-broke down, i kind of like as that way i would prevent me from using the computer as now it's rather troublesome to start a programme as i have to turn on the windows task manager and clikc on new task to run a new programme. But my lil bratty sister doesn't allow me to leave it as it is as she wants to use the computer as her PSLE(primary school leaving examination) saying that i did'n't care abtout her and kept to my habit of use the computer. Now, she says that why should she bother about me and my studies when i didn't bother about her. Truth is, i care about her studies. I told her not to play and even told her to think about the worse possible situation.. be unplaced or land in Normal technical.Dispite this, she pouted and made empty agreement. So, now i have comprimsed with her that i leave the computer a it is with the exception of allowing it to bot her Ragnarok Online character. Also, i told her not to mention the words "Back up" or "Reformat" as that would only increase my diesire to use the computer which i do not allow. The only word that she can say to me to the computer is "spoiled" this would discourage me from using the computer. hehehe.. i hope this works.. bye.. so i would not be able to go online till 22th november 2005 at 10am.. hehe gambatei!!

Friday, October 07, 2005

7th October 2005

Today was a rather tedious day as the whole morning all me and my classmates did was doing worksheets and other school paper.. then at the end of the the session, we had checked our prelim results. i got a total of 26 points for L1R4(language one relative subjects 4) and 33 points for L1R5. i cant go anywhere with this results so i must study hard.. if i want to go to a polytechnic, Especially NanYang polytechnic and take either the chemical or pharmnuetical course or digital media design course. as they only take in about 150 to 190 students.. i have to beat many people to get that so i must study well and hard. YES I MUST!!! ^^ SEE YA BYE.. study liao..