Wednesday, December 28, 2005

28th December 2005

Me and my bloody big mouth cause me to be not very liked by my colleagues and new friends..It caused me so dear that they have to complain about me for being talkative and accused me of being late, of wihich i did not.. now i am so damn FED-UP About this place that i've decided to QUIT this after this sunday if things do ot get any better and shut my DAMN BLOODY MOUTH from henceforth. This is to stop me from being so curious about every little thing going on around me and behind my back..

I'm rpobably the most irritating and nosy plus bossy person they have ever met so i decided for now to quit after this coming sunday..and i shall never bother about other people's business anymore.. 'keep it to meself'&'shut your damn bloody trap' also i must remember this 'everyone's just trying to be nice to you..' Maybe January on i'll go take japanese basic classes.. and not work.. they don't need me anyway, they NEED Capable people like 'k' and 'd'..

Sunday, December 25, 2005

25 december 2005

Wow, so fast and it is 5 days before 2006..and these few days i've not been online as i was out working as waitress at the York Hotel's White Rose Cafe. It's quite fun working there as there was good colleagues there like 'papa' and 'Je'(keeping names confidential here!)

Dispite all this good people, my aunt has to spoil it all. She picks on me constantly, makes a fool out of me whenever i make a mistake and worse still tell it to all the other waitresses. I really don't like her doing these things 'cos it kind of makes me feel as if she wants to me think that i'm rather inferior compared to the other part-timers that are about my age. I Think she is being very biased towards me everything i do always she will think that will sure crop up. Then if really crop up, she will not let me do it anymore. She makes it until like that then i mind as well don't go to work even better no jinx walking around the guest make trouble, unnesserary detours and stupid mistakes. She even called me stupid for not picking a ten dallar tip, hey i i can choose not to take the money right? I HATE PEOPLE TELLING ME WHAT TO DO AND WHAT NOT TO DO..AND CALL ME STUPID.. So i 'stupid' la, 'baka' la, 'buboh' la, mind as well i dun work.. each time i hear them say me or call me stupid hor i feel like i just want to drop my things and go home know, so DAMN angry.. i don't think even 'papa's' sense of humor can really humor me by then..

Although these things happen, i'm still rather happy to work there like especially on Thursday, i had a rather fun time with 'papa' and 'b' on a company dinner. The whole event lasted till 9pm and we had a full hour to enjoy the emptyness over a glass of wine and somw food yum!! I'm greatful for 'papa','K' and 'D' 'cos they really makes me feel better whenever i in bad mood due to my anunt's biasness. They really are good friends and they make me want to come back and work again.. ^^ thanks 'papa'!!!